Conditions that respond to Bax 3000 & laser treatment:

Sneezing/Running Nose/Sinus Congestion/Watery Eyes


Itchy Skin/Eczema/Hives/Contact Allergies to Poison Ivy, Latex, Materials

Airborne Allergies to Tree, Plant, and Grass Pollens,Tobacco, Perfumes, Pollution

Sensitivities to Insects, Pets, and Animals

Nausea/Stomach Upset/Bloating/Gas/Heartburn/Abdominal Pain/Cramping/Diarrhea/Constipation/Food Sensitivities

Joint Pain/Swelling

Chronic Ear Infections





We use a BAX 3000 system to assist with the diagnosis and treatment of chronic allergies and sensitivities. Through the use of this biofeedback technology we have the ability to identify thousands of substances that are potential allergens for patients. The BAX 3000 system has a unique computerized library (100,000+ Food and Environmental substances), where the vibrational frequencies of these allergens are stored digitally. Using the BAX 3000 system, we can identify the precise substance your body is reacting to, sensitive to, and quite simply…allergic to.

Remember that allergies, food sensitivities, and many common chronic conditions are simply the body having an inappropriate reaction to what SHOULD be a harmless substance. To protect itself from a perceived threat, the body inadvertently causes symptoms that create suffering. To eliminate these symptoms, the BAX-3000 utilizes biofeedback to re-educate the body to no longer react inappropriately to these harmless, ordinary substances.  This is done in conjunction with NSRT or Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy.  As a result, we eliminate neurological responses that trigger allergic reactions, sensitivities, and symptoms associated with these conditions.

HOW IT WORKS:  This biofeedback technology involves using the frequency of an allergen, and your body’s natural ability to learn and tolerate that allergen’s frequency. When your brain is redirected to understand that a food, chemical or even a problem such as anxiety or panic can be accepted, you’ll build up the antibodies you need to eliminate negative reactions. The cold laser used as part of the system promotes healing, and your immune system will be able to safely accept the allergen in the future.


What to Expect

The initial visit for the BAX 3000 program consists of 2 parts.  Part 1 is the BAX 3000 assessment.  The assessment determines specific stressors/allergies which may be triggering the patient's symptoms.  This is just the beginning!  Testing can be done in a number of areas including foods, environmental, and chemical categories. 

Part 2 is a 10 minute session with the BAX 3000 system including cold laser treatment.  During the session, you will be guided through short breathing exercises while enjoying a back massage.  Cold laser treatment is then completed targeting specific patient meridian points around the body.  In total, the first assessment and treatment visit may last between 60 to 90 minutes.  After that, each visit is no longer than 15 to 30 minutes.

Remember, you will never feel any pain.  You will not have to buy any supplements or products.  You will not be pricked with needles or scratched as in typical medical allergy testing.  You will remain fully clothed, except for your feet.  As part of the treatment you will be asked to remove your shoes/socks, this is to use the laser on your feet.  Also, if you can wear a white tee shirt or light colored blouse for maximum laser effectiveness that would help.  We will provide you with other guidelines that will help maximize your treatment results during your visit.

Results of bax 3000 treatment

By directing the laser at acupuncture meridians, the BAX 3000 is increasing relaxation and prompting the body to produce endorphins, which provide a sense of pleasure. This positive response helps to reprogram the body to avert an inappropriate reaction to the substance previously perceived as an enemy to the body. Once the immune response is reeducated, future exposures to the allergen should no longer be a problem.