certified Wim Hof method workshops
Visit our Wim Hof Method page for details
No shots, No scratches, NO PAIN
Allergy Relief
We do not treat the symptoms of allergies… drugs, shots and creams do that. We treat the cause of the allergy. If your problem is caused by something you eat, drink, rub on your skin or breathe in, our BAX 3000 laser technology can help. This Biofeedback system works to recondition your nervous system to no longer react inappropriately.
we can help
Sneezing, watery eyes, wheezing, joint pain, skin irritations, sinusitis, headaches, digestive issues and more are all bothersome symptoms associated with allergies. These symptoms are your body’s way of fighting something that’s harmless but it perceives as being harmful.
Visit our About page to read the nick’s personal story
Completely pain-free and non-invasive, the BAX 3000 is a biofeedback system that’s an alternative to allergy shots and medications. It works by reducing neurologic stress to help you avoid negative reactions to troublesome substances. The treatment is 100% safe, we aren’t exposing clients to the actual proteins or trigger substances in their allergens – just the digital biofeedback signal.
You are not ingesting, breathing, or having any substance pass a body barrier, therefore you will not have an allergic reaction.
FDA-cleared and safe for all ages, the BAX 3000 results can be long-lasting, quickly-realized, and life-changing! The result is eliminated or dramatically reduced symptoms associated with the following conditions:
Allergies to Foods, Chemicals, and Environmental Elements
Grass, Weeds, Pollen, Mold, Pet Sensitivities
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Digestive Problems
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic/Recurring Conditions.
The BAX 3000 provides long-term relief that could greatly improve your quality of life.
Help for All Types of Allergies - nsrt
In conjunction with the BAX-3000 we use Neurological Stress Reduction Therapy (NSRT). The procedure is designed to help improve the immune system, increase the energy level, and heal the body naturally without drugs or surgery. The process uses Meridian and Energy Stress Assessment, Allergy Elimination Technique, and Low-Level Light Therapy.
How Many Treatments Are Required?
Because every individual will respond differently to the treatment it varies. You may, and it’s quite common, experience positive results after the first treatment. Ask Nick to share his story, and some of the amazing stories of the patients he has treated over the years.
Once your body is able to tolerate the allergen that’s been problematic for you, the treatment will likely hold.
If you’ve been plagued by allergies, now’s the time, book an appointment to discuss how BAX 3000 can help you get the relief you need!